One product, one place, one price

DealCockpit™ offers you all its features, unlimited users, and unlimited storage space, so you can concentrate on what really counts: closing the deal.

More buyers | Stronger offers | Better terms

Make Your Deals Happen

DealCockpit™ harnesses the power of AI to streamline, secure, and speed up deal sourcing for mergers and acquisitions, fundraising, and other transactions.
Optimize your chances of finding a buyer and get better financial and contractual terms.

The process

Simple, fast, efficient

DealCockpit™ is built specifically to help you streamline the search for a buyer, lower your costs and secure your data.

We help you automate the outreach process, track and audit communications, manage tasks, filter potential buyers, and easily upload and secure your data.

This allows you to spend your time on what matters most — negotiating the best deal possible.

Buyer interest

Set up an account. Enter data. It's easy.

Complete the simple sign-up process
Describe your business for potential buyers and investors
DealCockpit™ alerts prospects, while you invite your own candidates

Consider all the candidates

Review interested parties
Choose which ones will study your Data Room 
Anwer potential buyers' questions
Receive offers

Move on to due diligence on the same easy-to-use platform

No need to start over or purchase another
product. Our VDR tool allows you to swiftly and
securely proceed to the diligence process.

Negotiate and choose an offer

Study offers made by prospective candidates
Conduct due diligence
Negotiate and choose the best offer available

Close your transaction and get ready for your next deal

→ Sign your deal documents and prepare for your next transaction. You can open as many Data Rooms as you like.

How DealCockpit™ can help

Why choose digital deal sourcing?

Selling is hard Before you sell your company, you have a fundamental task: finding the right buyer. It’s easier said than done.

More potential buyers — Digital outreach allows you to tap a far broader market, increasing the chances of finding a better fit for the company, generating greater competition among buyers, and achieving a higher sale price.

Security A state-of-the-art virtual data room with the highest levels of security helps avoid breaches and protects precious intellectual property and trade secrets.

Control Digital deal sourcing gives dealmakers far greater control over the entire process.

Scalability Dealmakers can use a digital platform to handle a higher volume and greater variety of transactions.


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Ready for the next steps?

Let's book a meeting and talk about your needs!